
So, I am not very well. Again. I have to say that this is possible the ill-est I have been for a while – perhaps this is a sign of the growing age that is encroaching upon me.

Yesterday at work, I developed some strong stomach pains that got progressively worse over the evening. We went out for a meal and I had to leave early because of it.

After a bath when I got in, which didn’t ease the discomfort, I ended up in bed as lying still in only one position enabled me to feel any kind of comfort. It all came to a head at 1 am when I started throwing up and throwing up with style!

I have stayed at home today and am only able to write this as I am sitting perfectly still. I hate having time off work because it puts so much pressure on everyone else. Hopefully I shall be back to it soon and this will be the end to the illness.

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