Trick or Treat

Today is halloween and the children (after much debating from M) went trick or treating. J was a pumpkin princess and thoroughly enjoyed the whole process, exclaiming that she had a bunch of candy! M was a vampire Princess and overcame her fear of halloween for the love of sweets. T went as a skeleton and was also a little nervous around the better decorated houses.

It is nice to see those who get into the spirit of the night!

The royal visit

Not actually a royal visit, but it is what we call it when mum and dad come up to visit.

This was the first time since ‘the incident’ and it seemed to go OK. Mum did not like the dog, as expected, but she didn’t whinge about him as much as I thought she would. She did fetch her own food. There is always a reason why she has to fetch her own food. It is basically just because she doesn’t want to eat anything I cook – I am not perfect enough for her, but always manages to have a reason why she can;t eat what I have prepared.

Anyhow, one thing she did mention, was a quick comment about whether of not she’d still be getting a calendar this year (send one every year with pictures of the children). Thought this was telling that she still feels like there is ill feeling.

Busy day and slight spanner

It has been a busy day today.

The children had a sleep over with their nana and so hubby and I had a leisurely start to the morning, although they did have a dentist check up (they passed!)

We were let down by the person who was going to move the sofas for us, but it isn’t the end of the world, despite hubby acting like it was!

We ended up going to a lovely garden centre and having a cup of coffee and a slice of cake. Yummy!

Half term

Finally! The half term holidays are here. I have been making myself useful and have, at least, got my marking done. I do have a school job list that is growing, but I do hope to get that done at the beginning end of the week.

I have tidied up all the rooms upstairs and now just need to organise the kitchen so it is just so. I also do have to sort the hallway and the downstairs toilet. The biggest job, however, will be reorganising the living room. This has come about because the sofa in the front room is broken. This means we have to bring the old one out of storage. It has been in storage for almost two years, so I am not convinced that it will be any good, but we can always see.

There is a little more urgency to this because my parents are coming up this half term – the first time I will have seen them face to face since the ‘incident’. I am done trying to impress them because I have finally realised that I never will, but I do also need to minimise the nagging I will get. Luckily, hubby has said that he will be by my side instead of sneaking off to work to hide from it all.

I shall try and do the daily blog thing this holiday. I am also going to have a Christmas theme this holiday – make Christmas cards, set up the December Daily, sort Christmas events etc. Very exciting stuff!

The back to school dip

As always happens. I have the best of intentions of continuing my blog when I got back to work, after blogging everyday during the holidays. It usually lasts a week and then stops. This has been the same.

Demands have gone up with my time. I did not think that was possible but somehow school have made it so. I have a shorter lunch, not allowed to take breaks and am spending longer teaching than I have before. I also have more meetings to do after school. This means I have less time to do anything.

I have lost weight. I am now under the next stone bracket. I shall probably be back above it soon as I am fluctuating a lot recently. Being short of money helps – the amount of crap food that I can afford is going down, but so is the healthy food too. I cannot afford to supplement my diet with fruit etc and cannot buy the leanest cuts of meat. It does cost money to eat healthily.

I have set up and am using a bullet journal! Using it mainly for work but I am going to slowly try and incorporate other elements to it. I do want a daily journal for at home too, but I am not sure what that is going to look like yet.

Money is still an issue. I cannot foresee that changing in the near future, although my wage in October will have a back dated pay rise and my marriage tax allowance bonus, so I might be lucky and have an extra £100 in it. It’ll help towards christmas presents.