Starting a new tradition

It is well known in my family that I am partial to a pickled onion, especially ones that we have pickled ourselves. I used to make a batch of them when I was younger and have, for the past few years, started to make some more again. Last year, T decided that he wanted to help me and so he did. Listening to Christmas music in the kitchen, we made a large batch. He has mentioned doing it again on and off throughout the year and now the pickling onions are about, we bought some today and pickled a batch or two. it is nicer that, even 15 years in, we can still start new traditions as this is going to definitely be one we continue 🙂

Another good day

I have had another productive day – the house has stayed tidy and I am managing to get back on top of the washing after it boke down a fortnight ago (had to wait for an engineer and then wait for the part).

I have not done any school work this morning, but I did pack up the Cricut Joy in order to post it – after getting the explore Air 2 I decided I should sell the Joy as it wasn’t being used and the money certainly would come in handy.

I went tot he hospital to get my eye screening done and everything seems to be good, I shall get the official all clear in the post.

Tomorrow I shall start the school work, instead of being reluctant to start, I am keen to get going. The first half term was finding my feet but I feel in a good rhythm now and want to get started on making my mark and showing my worth.

I have crafting plans for this holiday too – starting Christmas cards and planning out my December Daily, getting the foundation pages ready.

Feeling productive

This weekend, I have managed to tidy the house – not absolutely spotlessly, but to a standard that makes me comfortable. I have also marked all of my writing books – I am feeling quite good and on track to be productive!

I am in school tomorrow – I have the science cupboard to sort and my room to fettle – it is time for another change around of tables.

Half term – woo hoo!

It has finally arrived – the half term holidays! This is a week earlier than most schools around me, and we actually have two weeks off which is absolutely fabulous now but will be a bit gutting in summer when I really want to finish for the summer.

This half term, the plan is to get the house straight, get school work done, then craft! Fun times!

A little update

Sometimes I think that things must be going well if the blog has been quiet. It has meant that I have not felt the need to use it as a place to air my frustrations and to lighten the load. I think, in many respects, that can be true but I also don’t use it when I am in the depths of despair either. This time round, it is neither. I am not in the depths of despair but I am not cock-a-hoop either.

Overwhelmingly I am tired. I am still without the motivation to do very much and still find myself not really wanting to do very much. Sitting and doing mindless stuff. I am also spending too much money. Oh – and the diet is going very slowly!

It is half term in a week. Only 5 more school days to go and then I get a full two weeks off. Hoping to regroup and get a little bit of focus and motivation back.