Hello again!!

It has been crazy busy. I have no idea how long it has been since I wrote my blog although, one sec… 21st August. That was when I last posted, I’ve just checked.

This probably means I cannot blame work considering that was still the summer holidays, although to be fair, it was the end of the hols and I was doing a lot of stuff for work. Quick update them…


I spent the majority of the last week of the summer holiday in school – sorting equipment, setting up my classroom – even hubby and the children got involved with hubby sorting out the PE store – so messy that it took him all day.

The first half term was equally as busy. Lots of new members of staff, lots of young members of staff – all need supporting. This meant I was working all weekend and really late into the evening too. This has, on the whole, settled down well. I am doing well at work – really well. It is great to finally be recognised for what I do.


J has got into the school we wanted. It is so good for her – she goes swimming every week, she bakes, goes horse riding once a month. She has made so much progress. There are seven children in her class and thee is a teacher and 2 TAs so she has so much help. T is really coming on now he is in Year 9 and seems so much happier too. M is the same wonderful girl she always she been – still enjoys school.


Things in the house remain much the same. I have finally got T a new bed, which was much needed. The girls have a new, larger wardrobe which was again, much need. Other than that, there are still the constant battles to get house work done.


Things are slightly better off financially. Not because I have had a pay rise, but things are getting slightly better.