
I have realised that I seem to start a lot of posts with so…. I had started this on the way too, however I realised I was typing in the title rather than the main text section.

I shall endeavour not to use it as a sentence that. Anyway, I feel I am midway into my week off. I do not feel like I have achieved much. I don’t know what  I want to  achieve either. I wanted a break,  I know that much I do feel like time is slipping by and I am wasting it.

I’ve been quite frustrated today I must admit.  I have almost want to be left alone in my own little world. I have been quite irritated by the lack of work that my husband is doing. The housework seems to fall on my shoulders during holiday and I don’t think that is fair.

I need to think about the rest of the week.

Half Term holiday

So, this is the final break before the last half term. I have to say, I cannot wait until this school year is over with.

I will end up doing a little school work over the whole week. It is report writing time so it cannot really be avoided.

I do plan on having a little R&R tho – I need it in order to survive the final half term.


The city that won my heart

It is so hard to write about the traumatic events that unfolded on Monday night, so this might be a bit fragmented.

Hubby is quite good at those “Oh my God!” moments, like those facebook posts where people post half a status that drives people crazy. He’ll often have an outburst which leaves me repeating “What? What?” a thousand times before he reveals something mundane. Not Tuesday morning at 5am though. It was quickly followed by “There has been a bomb attack in Manchester.” The girl who will hit the snooze button more times than she cares to admit, was immediately awake and the news went on and her heart died a little.

For these lives to have ended in such a cruel way was such cowardice. Such hatred.

The news reported that 19 lives had been lost. Then 22. There is the potential for more as over 55 people remain injured, many critical.

How strange though that term ‘lost’. Those lives weren’t lost – they were stolen.

The day saw my social media feed filled with please for help. ‘Have you seen…?’ or ‘Do you know…’ People who were missing. Today saw those faces slowly appear on the news, confirmed as dead. My brain will not allow me to process, to dwell, on the pain that their families must feel.

Hatred will now win, after all ‘love conquers all’.

Nearly there

Only 4 more gets up and then it is half term.

This half term at school has been immense. We had only been back at school for 3 hours when we got the call from Ofsted – they were coming to inspect. Whilst it wasn’t brilliant, it wasn’t horrendous either.

We were notified at the end of the last half term that they were looking for teachers to take redundancy (can’t remember if I wrote about it?). I have found out that my job is safe, although that term is always relative.

Things seem to have settled down in terms of my moods. I am not longer needing anti-depressants to keep going but I know that I may suffer from it again.

Once half term is done, there will only be 34 school days left until the summer holidays. Roll on…

May Day 

Happy May 1st! A proper bank holiday as I get to have the day off separately, all other bank holidays are included in school holidays!

I was super excited to get a new nice comment on my fan fiction ‘blood will out’ yay!